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Submitted by: John Christianson
Just about anyone can learn to sing well. However, with that said, people have been circulating some really bad advice about how precisely to sing. A lot of the advice which is available may harm a voice so badly that this damage can become irreversible. Here are five of the most popular myths about how to sing well, that may potentially damage your voice other than improve it.
1. One of the primary hints you should hear is to sing regularly so that you can develop a powerful singing voice. This myth has some truth behind it; you do need to do plenty of practicing to maintain your voice. Singers have to exercise more than just about any musician in the profession. When you are practicing you will observe that your throat muscles are getting to be more powerful, which makes your voice better. Even though you should practice you need to take a least a day off per week, so you need to begin slowly. It s recommend to start out by only singing about an hour day and then you can gradually build up to singing a couple of hours daily. You have to make sure that you are taking frequent breaks and that you take a least one day off a week.
2. The other myth that you might hear is: singing should hurt since it means your muscles are getting stronger. If you’re having pain then you will want to cease singing immediately and give you voice an opportunity to rest. Do not continue to sing until your muscles stop hurting, if you carry on and sing this way you will damage your voice permanently. If this is a recurring problem get yourself a voice coach to attempt to figure out what the thing is, but don t keep singing – as you will only hurt yourself more.
3. Learning techniques like vocal breaks and vibrato should come naturally with practice. Well this is not true. Learning both these techniques requires a quite a bit of work and practice. The best way to learn these techniques is by using a voice coach. These skills are not abilities that comes naturally; they have a lot of hard work and dedication to singing in order to master them.
4. Another common myth which you may hear is that singing vibrato will hurt your singing voice. So long as you have learned to control the vibrato you won t hurt your voice. If you understand how to control the vibrato you’ve got nothing to bother with. Vocal cords are constructed to make different sounds, so our voices shouldn’t be damaged by changing the sound.
5. You have to always be singing from the diaphragm. This specific myth has existed for a long time. You can always hear someone saying that you need to bring the sound up from your diaphragm. The main thing you might want to be worried about is learning a way to control a number of different muscles groups; you will get more out of singing this way. Sometimes if you force too much air up from your diaphragm it could potentially hurt your voice.
Paying attention to everything other folks say is not always a good thing, the best advice that you can get is from a qualified vocal coach. In the event you hear a tip from someone aside from your coach, ask your coach before attempting the tip.
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