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Judith M. Ehlers
Question: 1
Which new IT consumption model is a pay-as-you-deploy model that allows customers to more efficiently adapt to business changes, and to take a more flexible, scalable approach to capacity planning?
A. HPE Pre-Provisioning
B. HPE Flexible Asset Return for Servers
C. HPE Subscription for Servers
D. HPE Accelerated Migration
Answer: A
Question: 2
Which kind of infrastructure allows for everything to be software defined and supports on-demand deployment of virtualized and physical workloads?
A. composable infrastructure
B. converged infrastructure
C. managed cloud infrastructure
D. hyper converged infrastructure
Answer: A
Question: 3
If you go into the first meeting with a customer and immediately start talking about products and solutions, how have you positioned yourself in the eyes of the customer?
A. as a commodity sales person, selling on price rather than value.
B. as a business partner with the customer’s needs as the first priority.
C. as a knowledgeable sales consultant.
D. as a prepared sales consultant, ready to meet the challenges of the business.
Answer: A
Question: 4
At which point in the sales process should you start seriously discussing services as part of the solution?
A. if financing is involved, after financing approval is finalized
B. early in the sales cycle
C. after evaluating the customer’s technical capabilities
D. once a hardware solution is identified
Answer: D
Question: 5
According to IDC. which statement regarding cloud spending is true?
A. cloud spending will be approximately 50% of IT budgets by 2019.
B. cloud spending among major companies will drop below 10% by 2019.
C. cloud spending is winding down and will flat line by 2019.
D. cloud spending by mid-sized companies will exceed 80% by 2019.
Answer: A
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Test Information:
Total Questions: 121Test Number: HPE2-E67Vendor Name: HPCert Name: HP EXPERTONETest Name: HPE IT Business ConversationsOfficial Site: http://www.examkill.co.ukFor More Details http://www.examkill.co.uk/HPE2-E67.htmlGet20% Immediate Discount on Full Training MaterialDiscount Coupon Code:3219R86596
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